Growing Business.
Companies face multi-faceted challenges and “doing-nothing” is not an option in an increasing agile economy. In order to stay relevant, companies need to reinvent their business models from a product to a service perspective and finance their transformation effectively. We support your growth ambition from ideation to marketing and sales end-to-end. Our consultants have over a century hands-on experience in supporting companies along their individual journey. IC Hotz - Sustainable Industry Solutions.
Energy Strategy
Global Chemical Company
We identified & delivered strategic growth opportunities across the renewable energy value chain including Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal, Concentrated Solar Power & Wind energy adjusted to company portfolio and growth targets.
We developed and implemented corporate energy strategies together with technology & go-to-market road mapping, global partner identification including venturing & M&A.
Do you want to change your energy culture?
Circular Economy
Specialty Chemical Company
We identified, assessed, and translated sustainability drivers derived from Circular Economy into client innovation platforms with significant revenue potential with focus on post consumer plastic recycling and food waste valorisation.
We critically reviewed venturing and investment opportunities with the aim to strengthen our clients technology portfolios in order to mitigate risk and accelerate time to market.
Do you truly want to be sustainable and not just create paper?
Energy Storage
Global Chemical Company
We assessed industry, global and regional trends & dynamics to develop strategic plans, identified growth opportunities and managed a multi-million dollar program portfolio to achieve significant client growth.
We identified disruptive strategic growth opportunities along the battery value chain, adjusted to client portfolios and growth targets.
We strategically prioritized and aligned programs to changing market conditions to maximize return on investment.
Do you want to enter the energy storage market?
Innovation Process
Global Chemical Company
We developed, implemented and managed disruptive innovation management processes with global roll-out and training across multiple continents and cultures.
Based on the updated company innovation strategy, we re-evaluated company technology and development portfolios to assure growth success.
We delivered disruptive strategic growth opportunities in the field of chemicals, nano-materials, plastics, composites, renewable energy, energy storage, power electronics, and machinery.
Do you want unlock your innovation potential?